Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak menurut Buya Hamka dan Ibnu Miskawaih serta Relevansinya terhadap Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam

Juarman, Juarman, Susanto, Happy and Kurnianto, Rido (2020) Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak menurut Buya Hamka dan Ibnu Miskawaih serta Relevansinya terhadap Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam. JMP: Jurnal Mahasiswa Pascasarjana, 1 (1). pp. 37-74. ISSN ISSN: 2798-0790 (Print) ISSN: 2798-0618 (Elektronik)

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This article aims to examine the thoughts of Buya Hamka (Indonesia) and Ibn Miskawaih (Iran) regarding the concept of moral education. This research is included in the library research (library research) using documentary techniques where the data source is in the form of written literature with data analysis methods are verstehen, interpretation, language analysis, historical, comparative, inductive, and heuristic. The results showed that the concept of Hamka's moral education is based on the virtue of mind which seeks to eliminate all kinds of bad traits in humans with the aim of producing better human behavior so that it is useful later in the community. Meanwhile Ibn Miskawaih initiated the concept of moral education to the middle way (al-wasath) which aims for humans to be balanced in life so that they can obtain true perfection and happiness. The similarity in the concept of education for these two figures lies in the meaning of moral education itself, the purpose of education, educators, students, and the educational environment, while the differences lie in the educational material and the meaning of the main terms of moral virtue. The relevance of the concept of education is reflected in the current state of education, educational goals, educators and students, and the educational environment. students, and the educational environment, while the difference lies in the educational material and the meaning of the main terms of moral virtue. The relevance of the concept of education is reflected in the current state of education, educational goals, educators and students, and the educational environment. students, and the educational environment, while the difference lies in the educational material and the meaning of the main terms of moral virtue. The relevance of the concept of education is reflected in the current state of education, educational goals, educators and students, and the educational environment.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Moral Education, Hamka, Ibnu Miskawaih, Islamic Education
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > Islamic Studies
Divisions: Postgraduate Program
Depositing User: Library Umpo
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2022 05:49
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2022 05:49
URI: http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/id/eprint/10607

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