A Constructing and Analyzing Model for the Teaching of Grammar

Mufanti, Restu, Susilo, Andi, Gestanti, Rohfin Andria and Nimasari, Elok Putri (2019) A Constructing and Analyzing Model for the Teaching of Grammar. The Asian EFL Journal May 2019, 23 (3.2). ISSN 1738-1460

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Facilitating students to succeed in learning grammar has received a lot of critical attention from teachers. Grammar mastery is perceived as a determining aspect for the students to communicate accurately in a written form, yet they often encounter problems to acquire it. Students may have basic knowledge of the rules or of sentence structures, but most of them still make frequent mistakes as well as errors in their subsequent writing although teachers have provided adequate feedback. This notion attracts the writers to propose an alternative model, called Constructing and Analyzing Model (CAM). Substantively, this model comprises five major steps; composing sentences, peer review, self-review, teacher's feedback, and concluding the concept. It is asserted that CAM is one of the communicative ways in teaching grammar that facilitates students not only to learn it effectively but also assist them in constructing their own understanding, making use of their knowledge in an acceptable context, and developing their writing skill. Engaging students in various grammar activities using CAM enables them to be able to (a) integrate the concept of grammar into writing, (b) become interactive and collaborative learners, and (c) sharpen high-RUdeU WKLQNLQg VNLOOV. TKe ZULWeU¶V WZR-valuable-semester experiences have shown that CAM is appropriately applied in a grammar class fRU LW LQcUeaVeV VWXdeQWV¶ VcRUeV LQ grammar quizzes and learning involvement. In this regard, the current article is intended to overview the concept and theoretical framework of the teaching of grammar using CAM, the five major steps to implement it, the model, and its benefits.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analysing; Constructing; Grammar; Model; Writing
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Departement of Teacher Training and Education > Department of English
Depositing User: Library Umpo
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2022 05:56
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2022 05:56
URI: http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/id/eprint/8543

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