Environmental resistance materials in PAUD Merdeka curriculum project modules

Setyaningrum, Mila (2023) Environmental resistance materials in PAUD Merdeka curriculum project modules. JURNAL ANIFA STUDI GENDER DAN ANAK, 5 NO.1 (1-24). pp. 107-117. ISSN 2745-7648 E ISSN 2745-763X

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Anak usia dini perlu mendapatkan stimulasi agar memiliki kepekaan terhadap lingkungan. Apabila anak telah menumbuhkan rasa peduli pada lingkungan, mereka akan memahami tanggung jawab dalam memelihara lingkungan di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Materi Pelestarian Lingkungan Alam dalam kurikulum merdeka PAUD. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur atau studi pustaka yang menggunakan jurnal atau artikel-artikel ilmiah, buku, dan referensi yang berkaitan dengan Materi pelestarian lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Materi Pelestarian Lingkungan Alam dalam kurikulum merdeka PAUD, yang dapat diterapkan adalah; 1) Kebersihan Lingkungan Alam; Contoh terapan; anak membuang sampah pada tempatnya 2) Daur Ulang Sampah; Contoh terapan; anak membuat kerajinan dari botol bekas, 3) Reboisasi; Contoh terapan; anak menanam pohon di lingkungan sekolah, 4) Mitigasi Contoh terapan anak diberi contoh cara menyelamatkan diri saat ada gempa bumi., 5) Go Green: Contoh terapan; anak membawa botol minum yang dapat digunakan berulang kali (bukan botol plastik).

Kata Kunci: Materi Pelestarian Lingkungan Alam, Kurikulum Merdeka, PAUD
Early childhood needs to receive stimulation so that they have sensitivity to the environment. If children have developed a sense of caring for the environment, they will understand their responsibility in maintaining the environment around them. This research aims to describe the material for preserving the natural environment in the independent PAUD curriculum. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. This research approach uses a literature study method or literature study which uses journals or scientific articles, books and references related to environmental conservation materials. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: Materials for Preserving the Natural Environment in the independent PAUD curriculum, which can be applied are; 1) Cleanliness of the Natural Environment; Applied example; children throw rubbish in the right place 2) Recycle rubbish; Applied example; children make crafts from used bottles, 3) Reforestation; Applied example; children plant trees in the school environment, 4) Mitigation Applied examples children are given examples of how to save themselves during an earthquake. 5) Go Green: Applied examples; children bring drinking bottles that can be used repeatedly (not plastic bottles).
Keywords: Natural Environment Conservation Material, Independent
Curriculum, PAUD

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: Natural Environment Conservation Material, Independent Curriculum, PAUD
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Departement of Teacher Training and Education
Depositing User: fkip . userfkip
Date Deposited: 20 Mar 2024 07:48
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2024 07:03
URI: https://eprints.umpo.ac.id/id/eprint/13687

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