CAN I BE A PUBLIC SPEAKER? Get Ready For Speech 2nd Edition Book

Mufanti, Restu, Nimasari, Elok Putri and Gestanti, Rohfin Andria (2017) CAN I BE A PUBLIC SPEAKER? Get Ready For Speech 2nd Edition Book. CV. Nata Karya, ponorogo. ISBN 978-602-61995-5-3

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To give a good and appropriate book for those who need a
public speaking book, we revise first edition book by receiving
comments from a number of reviewers, college and readers. We
add more examples on speech and some tips to deliver the
speech. As in the first edition book, this book is also for beginner
speaker especially non-native English speaker. Simple
vocabulary and tenses in explaining the theory and tips are still
used to make beginners level undesrstand easily. We believe that
this book will help you to improve your speaking skill and you
will be confident to speak in front of audience. Briefly speaking,
reading the book of‘Can I be a public speaker?’, Get Ready For
Speech” is a good choice for you since the contents of this book
are supporting you to learn how to speak smoothly, effectively,
correctly, acceptable, comfortable and beautifully.
Moreover, speaking teachers in college level can use this
book to teach speaking especially Public Speaking class because
this book describes effective steps and example on speeches. We
do understand that finding a specific speaking book is not easy,
usually we find speaking books in complex materials and we
have to select the appropriate materials for our students. It is
much differentfrom this book since this book contains five
effective chapters; first chapter is discussing about functioning of
public speaking, second chapter is knowing about your speech,
third is preparing your speech, fourth is delivering your speech
and fifth is the sample of speech.
Last sentence we want to write in this preface is we expect
that this book will really give you beneficial impact on your
speaking performance.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Ebook
Depositing User: Library Umpo
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2019 02:52
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2019 02:54

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