Political Package: Movement of Muhammadiyah Political Elite in the Election of 2019

Harsono, Jusuf and Darwis Nasution, Robby (2020) Political Package: Movement of Muhammadiyah Political Elite in the Election of 2019. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (1). pp. 531-542. ISSN 2201-1323

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Muhammadiyah is an interest group and its elites cannot remain silent in politics after interpreting situations other than that the Muhammadiyah elite does not interfere in politics but its members are involved in politics. The political attitude of the Muhammadiyah elite organisations is unclear in every election whether the presidential election, PILKADA or legislative elections, because of the fragmentation of the Muhammadiyah elite. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the movement of the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo elite in the 2019 election? The question derived from the formulation of the problem above is first, who is included in the elite Muhammadiyah organisation in Ponorogo? Second, what is the tendency of elite movement? Third, what factors influenced the movement of the Muhammadiyah elite in the 2019 elections? Fourth, what is the motivation of Muhammadiyah's elite organisation in Ponorogo in making organisational policy decisions to determine the direction of the organisation's political movements, specifically religious organisations? The type of research used is descriptive qualitative in which the determination of informants using purposive sampling and the method of collecting data by observation, interview or document review. This study concludes that there is a political package determined by the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership and the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership, and at the Regional Leadership level only socialises with the citizens. The influential elite group is at the central and regional level, while no figures outside the core management have a big influence in determining the organisational policies of the Muhammadiyah. Rationality, in determining candidates, is rationality over where the central and regional leaders hold full control over the choices that must be accepted by the regional leaders and the residents.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Elite Movement, Muhammadiyah, Muhammadiyah Political Elite, Election.
Subjects: J Political Science > JF Political institutions (General)
Depositing User: Library Umpo
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2020 01:31
Last Modified: 30 Mar 2023 04:47
URI: https://eprints.umpo.ac.id/id/eprint/5246

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