Nurhidayat, Saiful, Andarmoyo, Sulistyo, Widiyati, Wiwik and Purwaningroom, Dian Laila (2023) The Correlation between Random Glucose Levels and Stroke Severity Using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo. In: Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022), 10 October 2023.
Saputra, Brian Ega Purwa, Verawati, Metti and Purwaningroom, Dian Laila (2023) HUBUNGAN ANTARA PEMBERIAN ASI DENGAN KEJADIAN STUNTING PADA BALITA DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SAWOO KABUPATEN PONOROGO. Skripsi (S1) thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.
Mashudi, Sugeng, Sansuwito, Tukimin bin, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila and Pradani, Fitayani Intan (2022) Occupational Balance Improves Subjective Health and Quality of Life Family with Mental Health Disorders. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 10 (5). pp. 232-237. ISSN E-ISSN: 2292-2598/22
Zinduka, Mario, Verawati, Metti, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Nurhidayat, Saiful and Munawaroh, Siti (2022) LITERATURE REVIEW: POLA ASUH IBU DENGAN STATUS GIZI PADA BALITA. Health Sciences Jurnal ( Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa), 6 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN ISSN2598-1188 (Print) ISSN2598-1196(Online)
Nasriati, Ririn, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Armyati, Eky Okviana and Mashudi, Sugeng (2022) Psychological well being of social media users: A structural equation modelling analysis. Journal of Holistic Nursing Sciences (JHNS), 9 (1). pp. 2-7. ISSN E 2579-7751 P 2579-8472
Nasriati, Ririn, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Armyati, Eky Okviana and Mashudi, Sugeng (2022) Psychological well-being of social media users: A structural equation modelling analysis. Journal of Holistic Nursing Sciences (JHNS), 9 (1). pp. 2-6. ISSN E 2579-7751 P 2579-8472
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Maghfirah, Sholihatul, Rifai, Muhaimin and Widodo, Nashi (2021) Exploring the mechanism of the anti-hypertension properties of Morinda citrifolia through a bioinformatics approach. Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering (KJSE), 48 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN P 2307-4108 E 2307-4116
Permatasari, Galuh Wening, Utomo, Didik Huswo, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila and Soeatmadji, Djoko (2021) The correlation of structural and binding affinity of insulin analog to the onset of action for diabetic therapy. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 12 (1). pp. 47-55. ISSN P 2087-7021 E 2338-3437
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Putri, Dianita Rifqia and Permatasari, Galuh Wening (2020) In silico analysis of antihypertensive and hepatotoxicity potential of the n-butanol fraction of the methanol extract of of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis). Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 11 (2). pp. 106-114. ISSN P 2087-7021 E 2338-3437
Siska Fitri Rahmadani; Filia Icha Sukamto, M.Kep.; Dian Laila Purwaningroom, M.Biomed. (2020) Pengaruh Kompres Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii) terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Sendi pada Lansia. EC00202022591.
Fatmaningtyas, Rosi, Munawaroh, Siti and Purwaningroom, Dian Laila (2019) HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN IBU DENGAN POLA ASUH ANAK TEMPER TANTRUM PADA USIA TODDLERDI POSYANDU BALITA DESA GROGOL KECAMATAN SAWOO PONOROGO. In: Prosiding 1st Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper Arah Kebijakan dan Optimalisasi Tenaga Kesehatan Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0 Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, 22-23 Agustus 2019, Ponorogo.
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Ishii, Toshinari, Setiowati, Tutut, Permatasari, Galuh Wening, Rosjidi, Cholik Harun and Munawaroh, Siti (2019) Potential of the methanol extract from Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis as an antihypertensive agent possibly through the interference of glutathione S-transferase. Drug Invention Today, 12 (12). pp. 2910-2818. ISSN 0975-7619
Munawaroh, Siti, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Putri, Dianita Rifqia and Rosjidi, Cholik Harun (2019) Prediksi Protein Target Bioaktif Ekstrak Metanol Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola) dalam Regulasi Tekanan Darah. Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 9-21. ISSN 2301-5810
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Ishii, Toshinari, Setiowati, Tutut, Munawaroh, Siti and Rosjidi, Cholik Harun (2019) he Analysis of Antihypertensive and Toxicity Potential of Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) Methanol Extract. In: 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Applied Sciences and Engineering (BIS-ASE) 2019, October 16, 2019, Magelang October 16, 2019.
Putri, Dianita Rifqia, Munawaroh, Siti, Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Widodo, Widodo, Maghfirah, Sholihatul, Rosjidi, Cholik Harun and Rifa’i, Muhaimin (2018) TOTAL PHENOLS CONTENT OF ANTIHIPERTENSIVE MEDICINAL PLANTS USED BY THE VILLAGERS OF A JAVANESE COMMUNITY IN PONOROGO EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. In: 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGROMEDICINE AND TROPICAL DISEASE “Current Trends, Challenges, and Issues in Agricultural Health Medicine: From Rural to Urban, Ocean to Island and Molecular to Clinical”, October, 20th – 21, 2018, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGROMEDICINE AND TROPICAL DISEASE “Current Trends, Challenges, and Issues in Agricultural Health Medicine: From Rural to Urban, Ocean to Island and Molecular to Clinical”.
Purwaningroom, Dian Laila, Widodo, Widodo, Maghfirah, Sholihatul, Putri, Dianita Rifqia, Munawaroh, Siti, Rosjidi, Cholik Harun and Rifa'i, Muhaimin (2018) The Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Inhibitor of Indonesia Herbs that may Benefit for Antihypertension Therapy. In: Encounters of Functional Foods and Asian Traditional Medicines: Volume 25 (Functional Food Science), USA.
Susilo, Eko Hendri, Maghfirah, Sholihatul and Purwaningroom, Dian Laila (2018) EFEKTIFITAS PENYULUHAN SEKS BEBAS MENGGUNAKAN VIDEO DAN GAMBAR TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN SEKS BEBAS PADA REMAJA. HEALTH SCIENCES JOURNAL, 2 (1). pp. 38-53. ISSN ISSN 2598-1188 (Print) ISSN 2598-1196 (Online)
Indahwati, Ayu Nur, Muftiana, Elmie and Purwaningroom, Dian Laila (2017) Hubungan Mengonsumsi Makanan Cepat Saji (Fast Food) dengan Kejadian Dismenore Pada Remaja Putri di SMP N 1 Ponorogo. Indonesian Journal for Health Sciences (IJHS), 1 (2). pp. 7-13. ISSN ISSN 2549-2721 (Print) ISSN 2549-2748 (Online)