Prasetyo, Angga, Litanianda, Yovi, Fadelan, Fadelan, Yusuf, Arief Rahman and Sugianti, Sugianti (2022) Irrigation Control Using Fuzzy Logic on The Internet of Things Agriculture System. CESS (Journal of Computing Engineering, System and Science), 7 (2). pp. 572-580. ISSN e-ISSN: 2502-714x | p-ISSN: 2502-7131
Yusuf, Arief Rahman, Mardjib, Mardjib, Sutadji, Eddy, Sugandi, Machmud and Elmunsyah, Hakkun (2020) Vocational Learning in Industry as a Work Readiness Strategy of Industrial Era 4.0: Model of Path Analysis. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14 (7). pp. 775-786. ISSN (Online) ISSN 2201-1323
Prasetyo, Angga and Yusuf, Arief Rahman (2019) Integrated Device Electronic untuk Sistem Irigasi Tetes dengan Kendali Internet of Things. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Asia, 14 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN ISSN: 2580-8397 (O); 0852-730X (P)
Prasetyo, Angga, Yusuf, Arief Rahman and Litanianda, Yovi (2019) Otomasi Irigasi Janggelan Berbasis Internet of Things. Multitek Indonesia, 13 (2). pp. 23-28. ISSN ISSN: 1907-6223 (print) ISSN: 2579-3497 (Online)
Dewi, S P, Astuti, I P, Buntoro, Ghulam Arofi, Widaningrum, Ida and Yusuf, Arief Rahman (2019) Android based learning application for Wudhu and Tayamum using augmented reality technology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 116. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2201-1323
Yusuf, Arief Rahman and Mukhadis, Amat (2018) MODEL PENGEMBANGAN PROFESIONALITAS GURU SESUAI TUNTUTAN REVITALISASI PENDIDIKAN VOKASI DI INDONESIA. Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, 9 (2). pp. 130-139. ISSN p- ISSN : 2086 - 4876 | e-ISSN: 2549-063X
Conference or Workshop Item
Prasetyo, Angga, Cobantoro, Adi Fajaryanto, Litanianda, Yovi, Yusuf, Arief Rahman, Setyawan, Moh. Bhanu and Az-Zahra, Rifqi Rahmatika (2022) Irigasi Tanaman Agriculture Dengan Logika Fuzzy Terintegrasi Internet of Things. In: Kontribusi Digital Marketing dan Finansial Teknologi Guna Mendukung Sektort Industri Kreatif yang Berkelanjutan, Sabtu, 24 Setember 2022, STIKI Malang.
Yusuf, Arief Rahman (2017) Implementation of Career Guidance Computer and Network Engineering Student in Malang City. In: International Conference On Vocational Education And Training (ICOVET 2017), 2017.
Yusuf, Arief Rahman (2016) PENERAPAN E-LEARNING SEBAGAI PENUNJANG PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KURIKULUM 2013. In: Seminar Nasional Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (SELISIK 2016), 28 Mei 2016, Bandung.