The Synergy of Multi-activities in Educating Students’ Character at Schools

Harmanto, Bambang (2011) The Synergy of Multi-activities in Educating Students’ Character at Schools. pp. 265-269.

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School is a potential place to acknowledge students’ character education. Character education is the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities that enable the learner to make informed and responsible choices. To achieve this, schools have to facilitate students with some character development programs through the activities designed for both co-curricular and extra-curricular setting. When the schools are able to create such programs in which all students are welcomed and respected , feel a sense of belonging , and are inspired to achieve to the best of their ability , high expectations for all students in learning, academic achievement and citizenship and character development will be considerably realized. Schools are expected to serve the students’ interests and wants right. As long as I observed a Muhammadiyah based Elementary School the so-called SD Muhammadiyah Terpadu in Ponorogo East Java seems to implement the character education through some modified activities. The school which is claiming as one of the character building schools in Indonesia has tried to formulate its education into four major programs namely; integrated learning process, message in week, extracurricular activities, and school culture model. The principle of the character development is not merely based on the instructional oriented but habit formation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Departement of Teacher Training and Education > Department of English
Depositing User: Library Umpo
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2016 07:16
Last Modified: 23 Jul 2016 05:40

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